Monday, 28 September 2009

Case Study

A Clockwork Orange.

Alex DeLarge (Malcolm McDowell), a charismatic, psychopathic delinquent whose pleasures are classical music (especially Beethoven), rape, and ultra-violence. He leads a small gang of thugs (Pete, Georgie, and Dim), whom he calls his droogs (from the Russian друг, “friend”, “buddy”). Alex narrates most of the film in Nadsat, a fractured, contemporary adolescent argot comprising Slavic (especially Russian), English, and Cockney rhyming slang.

Provocative content:
Rape, ultra-violence,and sexual violence- too extreme, furthermore, there occurred legal claims that the movie A Clockwork Orange had inspired true copycat behaviour.
type of censorship: X rated/ 18uk
Arguments for and against the film:
Notion of Protection:
My views:

The Exorcist.

About: The exorcist was Produced in 1973. The film was quite controversial at the time of its release due to its "sensitive subject matter." Before this time, there had been few movies dealing with demonic possession, especially in color with terrifying, state-of-the-art, special effects The Exorcist, which was made available by Warner Home Video in December 1981, was not granted a video certification by the BBFC and was withdrawn from shelves in 1986. incidents of hysteria involving young women led to some concern that the film might cause severe emotional problems particularly among those who believed in the reality of demonic possession.
Provocative content: demonic possesion, blamphemy.
type of censorship: 18
Arguments for and against the film:
Notion of Protection:
My views:

Straw Dogs.

Provocative content: prolonged rape scene where the girl amy seems to enjoy it. (glamourises rape), and fascist violence.
type of censorship: R rating, X rating/18
Arguments for and against the film:The violence of Straw Dogs aroused strong reactions, many critics seeing an endorsement of violence as redemption, and the film as fascist celebration of violence and vigilantism, while others see it as anti-violence, noting the bleak ending consequent to the violence.
Notion of Protection:
My views:

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